Hi! I need some help on this script
#anti-pv off on *:TEXT:*:?: if ($me == MyNick) { /msg $nick The auto query is active } #anti-pv END menu menubar { Auto-reply query .$iif($group(#anti-pv).status == on,$style(1)) Active : .enable #anti-pv | window -ez @AutoReplyON .$iif($group(#anti-pv).status == off,$style(1)) Disabled : .disable #anti-pv | /close -@ @AutoReplyON } ON *:CONNECT: { .enable #anti-pv | window -ez @AutoReplyON } ON *:EXIT: { .disable #anti-pv }
The first problem is: how do I get the message to appear only once? When the script is active, every time they write me a message it repeats, I would like the automatic reply message to be sent only once.
Second problem: how can I prevent the message from being sent as soon as i connect to the nicknames who wrote me in private when I was offline? Like, if my nick is always online in bnc, and i connect, the script is activated thanks to the on connect event, and the message is sent to whoever wrote me... is it possible to avoid this thing? I state that I have not yet tried if it happens, but I assumed it could happen.
Third, this is not a problem but a possible addition: is it possible to create a list of nicknames, registered and unregistered (all those that are put on the list in short) who can write to me without the message appearing? A kind of nick exception.