on *:text:.g *:#:{ 
  set %reason $3-
  set %glineirccloud on 
  set %idenGline $remtok($gettok($address($2,0),1,64),*,0,33)
  if (irccloud.com isin $address($2,2)) && ($nick ison #opers) && ($2 !ison #opers) || (mibbit.com isin $address($2,2)) {   gline $addtok(%idenGline,*,64) +2h  ° %reason °  | unset  %glineirccloud  | unset %idenGline | unset %reason  }
  elseif (irccloud.com !isin $address($2,2))  && ($nick ison #opers) && ($2 !ison #opers)  {  whois $2 | set %glineirccloud on |  set %reason $3- }
  elseif ($2 ison #opers) && ($nick ison #opers) { msg $nick Ju nuk mund te beni gline nje Ircop/Admin!! | unset  %glineirccloud  | unset %idenGline | unset %reason }
raw 378:*:{
  if (%glineirccloud == on) && (irccloud.com isin $6) {
    gline $addtok(%idenGline,*,64) +2h  ° %reason ° 
    unset %glineirccloud
    unset %reason
    unset %idenGline
  if (%glineirccloud == on) && (irccloud.com !isin $6)  {
    gline $2 +2h  ° %reason ° 
    unset %glineirccloud
    unset %reason
    unset %idenGline

this code is to make autogline on ident if user  is using irccloud , if he is with mibbit hostmask the script will make gline on ident , if user is with hostmask of real ip than the script will gline the hostmask , is user is with irccloud but he has vhost than the script will make whois on user to see if he is from irccloud and gline ident , if he is not with irccloud than the script will make gline on ip , hope this script is useful  http://epicnet.ru/smiles/epic-mix/smile_kind.gif , the command is .g nick reason or without reason just .g nick , command can use only user that are in channel #opers , and thay can;t gline someone that isin too on channel #opers  http://epicnet.ru/smiles/epic-mix/smile_kind.gif