Why doesn't the Bot put a ban on all the channels it is on?
Here's my code:
ON @*:TEXT:*:#: { tokenize 32 $strip($1-) if ($1 == .gbl) { if ($network !== DaVang) && (!$read(userbot.txt,nw,$nick)) && ($nick isreg #userbot) { return } if (!$2) && ($2 !== $me) && ($2 !== $nick) && ($2 !ison $chan) && ($2 !isreg $chan) { return } var %id = $+([ID:,$chr(32),$rand(A,Z),$rand(A,Z),$rand(10000,99999),]) var %reason = $read(globalkick1.txt) var %ident = $ial($2).user var %host = $ial($2).host var %a = $chan(0) while (%a) { if ($me isop $chan(%a)) { if (*irccloud* iswm %host) { mode $chan(%a) +b *! $+ %ident $+ * | kick $chan(%a) $2 4[Banned] (reason: %reason $+ ) %id - (for more information regarding your ban please contact nickname Kendy for removal) | dec %a } else { dec %a } if (!$read(globalkickdatabase.txt, -w, $+(*,%ident,*))) { write $qt(globalkickdatabase.txt) $+(%id,$chr(59),*!,%ident,@*,$chr(59),%reason) } .timer[UMBAN_ $+ %ident $+ ] 1 3600 mode $chan -b *! $+ %ident $+ *@* } else { ban -ku3600 $chan(%a) $2 2 4[Banned] (reason: %reason $+ ) %id - (for more information regarding your ban please contact nickname Kendy for removal) if (!$read(globalkickdatabase.txt, -w, $+(*,%host,*))) { write $qt(globalkickdatabase.txt) $+(%id,$chr(59),*!*@,%host,$chr(59),%reason) } } } } }