Hello Epic,
I have below given code :-
alias adduser auser oper $1 $+ $address($1,3) alias deluser ruser oper $1 $+ $address($1,3) alias operuse { if ($1 == on) { .enable #operuse | set %operuse on } if ($1 == off) { .disable #operuse | set %operuse off } } #operuse on on oper:TEXT:!*:#:{ if ($1 == !op) { if ($me isin $1-) { halt } | if ($2- == $null) { mode # +o $nick } | else { mode # +oooooo $2- } } if ($1 == !deop) { if ($me isin $1-) { halt } | if ($2- == $null) { mode # -o $nick } | else { mode # -oooooo $2- } } if ($1 == !v) { if ($me isin $1-) { halt } | if ($2- == $null) { mode # +v $nick } | else { mode # +vvvvvv $2- } } if ($1 == !dv) { if ($me isin $1-) { halt } | if ($2- == $null) { mode # -v $nick } | else { mode # -vvvvvv $2- } } if ($1 == !k) { if ($me isin $1-) { halt } | else { kick # $2- 4[Bot Mode]1 You Dont Belong Here! } } if ($1 == !kb) { if ($me isin $1-) { halt } | else { kick # $2- 4[Bot Mode]1 You Are Banned! | ban # $2- 2 } } if ($1 == !ban) { if ($me isin $1-) { halt } | else { mode # +bbbbbb $2- } } if ($1 == !unban) { mode # -bbbbbb $2- } if ($1 == !lock) { mode # +mMRj-k 2:5 4Channel.Master.Locked! } if ($1 == !unlock) { mode # -mMRjk 4Channel.Master.Unlock! } if ($1 == !mode) { mode # $2- } if ($1 == !commands) { notice $nick Commands: !op - !deop - !v - !dv - !k - !kb - !ban - !unban - !lock - !unlock - !mode - !invite - !quit - !sh - !part - !nick } if ($1 == !invite) { invite $2- # } if ($1 == !quit) { quit As commanded by my master ! } if ($1 == !sh) { sh $2- } if ($1 == !part) { part # Yes Master! } if ($1 == !nb) { ban # $2 9 | kick # $2- 1[4Bot Mode4]1 Bad Nick Detected! } if ($1 == !ab) { ban # $2 2 | kick # $2- 1[4Bot Mode4]1 Pls stop abusing! } } #operuse end menu channel,menubar,status { Bot Commands .$iif(%operuse = on,$style(1)) Enable:/Operuse On | echo -a 4Bot Commands is Now On .$iif(%operuse = off,$style(1)) Disable:/Operuse Off | echo -a 4Bot Commands is Now Off .- .Add Nick:/adduser $$?="Enter a nickname:" .Remove Nick:/deluser $$?="Enter a nickname:" }
Is it possible to shorten this code so that the script will not get bulgy?
Also, i am looking or these functions to work with this code (or any similar code with your skilled coding :D) :-
1. Should be able to add a user in baduser.txt file.. TRIGGER could be - /ab add nick
2. Should be able to del a user in baduser.txt file.. TRIGGER could be - /ab del nick
3. Should be able to add a bad word in badword.txt file.. TRIGGER could be - /bw add nick
4. Should be able to del a bad word in badword.txt file.. TRIGGER could be - /bw del nick
5. Should be able to set normal kick/ban/kickban/unban options.
6. Should be able to send a notice to a user with all the commands it has to operate. (just ops and selected voice which are in the database)
7. Should be able to add or delete a user from the authorized database like given in the above code.
Thanks & Regards,