I have this little code that sends automatic messages with the timer:
menu channel { AutoMessage .Mess 1 ..Start:/timerA 0 20 msg $chan hello1 | timerB 0 20 msg $chan hello2 | timerC 0 20 msg $chan hello3 | window -ez @Mess1On .Stop: timerA off | timerB off | timerC off | /close -@ @Mess1On .Mess 2 ..Start:/timerD 0 20 msg $chan hello4 | timerE 0 20 msg $chan hello5 | window -ez @Mess2On .Stop: timerD off | timerE off | /close -@ @Mess2On .Mess 3 ..Start:/timerF 0 20 msg $chan hello6 | timerG 0 20 msg $chan hello6 | timerH 0 20 msg $chan hello7 | timerI 0 20 msg $chan hello8 | window -ez @Mess3On .Stop: timerF off | timerG off | timerH off | timerI off | /close -@ @Mess3On }
It's not that great but it partially worked.
The problem with this script is that in theory such a script should work like this:
Let's take for example "Mess 1". It starts and after 20 seconds the first message starts. After another 20 seconds the second message starts, and after another 20 seconds the third message starts. After the last message we start all over again with the first message, then the second, then the third and so on in loop as mentioned above.
The problem is that none of this happens. Once the script is started, the messages start all together and continue to be posted all together after 20 seconds. There is no order.
And this is the problem.
Another thing I would like to know if it is possible to do, is to put the messages instead of one to the right of the other, one under the other, like this:
Mess 1 /timerA 0 20 msg $chan hello1 /timerB 0 20 msg $chan hello2 /timerC 0 20 msg $chan hello3 Stop
Since one to the right of the other would create a very long row, while one under the other would be easier to manage and modify.
I hope I have explained myself decently, sorry for the bad English.