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Revenge on bot X

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Would you have any prohibition against using the undernet X bot? and ban el username: Xtreamm

> X sets mode: +b *!*@Rocked.users.undernet.org
⌠02:08:01 PM⌡ > You were kicked by X ((Xtreamm) ok.)
⌠02:08:01 PM⌡ > Rejoining #mda
⌠02:08:01 PM⌡ * Attempting to rejoin until ban is lifted...
⌠02:08:10 PM⌡ > Rejoined #mda

Excellent day.


1440,377 написал(а):

Would you have any prohibition against using the undernet X bot? and ban el username : Xtreamm

Я не сижу и не общаюсь в этой IRC сети, поэтому не имею понятия о том, какие сервисные или глобальные боты работают на серверах этой сети и что они делают.
Так что, я не совсем понимаю суть вашего вопроса и чем могу вам помочь. Не могли бы вы разъяснить более подробно свой запрос по созданию нового скрипта?

Что должен делать скрипт? Опишите последовательно все шаги и действия, учитывая особенности использования нестандартных команд в данной IRC сети.
Учтите, что в каждой сети могут быть свои уникальные IRCd модули, настройки и команды, которых нет или они могут отличаться от того, что есть в других IRC сетях.
Кроме того не будет лишним, если вы приведёте визуальные/текстовые примеры с инструкцией или планом того, как должен работать разработанный по вашему заказу скрипт.

Подпись автора

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1440,377 написал(а):

Would you have any prohibition against using the undernet X bot? and ban el username: Xtreamm

> X sets mode: +b *!*@Rocked.users.undernet.org
⌠02:08:01 PM⌡ > You were kicked by X ((Xtreamm) ok.)
⌠02:08:01 PM⌡ > Rejoining # mda
⌠02:08:01 PM⌡ * Attempting to rejoin until ban is lifted...
⌠02:08:10 PM⌡ > Rejoined #mda

Explain for you to understand what we wants Bot to do:

This line: You were kicked by X ((Xtreamm) ok.) <=== Xtreamm is username (*!*@Xtreamm.users.undernet.org) <== that's mean username "Xtreamm" kick and ban through by X (X is Bot Services of Undernet) by command: /msg X ban <#channel> <nick!*@* | *!*userid@host> [duration] [leve] [reason]

BAN - Adds a specific *!*userid@host to X's channel banlist.
       - If the user is online, you can specify their nick, and X will automatically ban the *!*userid@host for that user.
       - Bans that cover a broader range than previously set bans will replace the previous bans.
       - Any user in the channel who matches the ban will also be kicked if the ban level is 75+.
       - The duration is in hours, with a maximum of 2400 hours (100 days).
       - The ban level can range from 1 to your own level.
       -  The ban reason can be a maximum of 128 characters.
       -  If no duration and/or level is specified, the default will be a duration of 3 hours at level 75.

  NOTE: If the banned user has Undernet's "virtual hostmask" (user mode +x) enabled, X is able to see through it to
        their actual host, so banning their username via *!*@username.* will also ban their actual host.

       * Ban Levels:   1-74 = Prevents the user from having ops (+o) on the channel.
                     75-500 = Prevents the user from joining the channel.

       /msg X ban <#channel> <nick!*@* | *!*userid@host> [duration] [leve] [reason]

PURPOSE BOT do is: Revenger ban and kick ban "Xtreamm" when me join channel.
When someone ban my ip/host and kick me, then MyBot will auto unban by X command:
UNBAN - Removes a ban from X's channel banlist, and also any matching bans from the current channel banlist.
        - You can only remove bans from X's banlist that are equal to or less than your own access.
        - To search X's banlist, refer to the LBANLIST command.
        - To view the current channel banlist, refer to the BANLIST command.

       /msg X unban <#channel> <nick | *!*userid@host>

THEN ban and kick Xtreamm (revenger ban kick)

Can you or someone make this code for us. Thanks


Exactly, very well explained


X sets mode: +b *!*@Rocked.users.undernet.org
You were kicked by X ((Xtreamm) ok.) <--- Username "Xtreamm" use command BAN to kick nick Rocked with reason "ok" through X (CService Channel of Server Undernet). And, now Rocked want a script code to KICK and BAN username "Xtreamm"  (revenger kick/ban for Xtreamm), but how to check "Xtreamm" on the REASON KICK above? Does anyone have an idea and can write a code for this situation. Thanks all

Note: Xtreamm (this username has been registered with X and has logged in and will show *!*@Xtreamm.users.undernet.org, can get Xtreamm on  this virtual host.

Отредактировано Robert (03.11.2023 08:15)