Hi all!
I have this whois script that I'm very comfortable with:
menu nicklist { — $1 —:whois $$1 $$1 } raw 311:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Nick:0 $2 echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14FullName:0 $6- echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Ident@Ip:0 $3 $+ 14 $+ @ $+ 01 $+ $4 var %clone = $kanalclone($2) if (%clone == $null) echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Clones:0 (No Clone) else echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Clone:0 ( $+ $numtok(%clone,44) $+ ) user 04/01 %clone haltdef } raw 312:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Server:0 $3 04/00 $4 $5 $6 } raw 313:*: { haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Network Info:0 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 } raw 314:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14¯°--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Nick:0 $2 echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14FullName:0 $6- echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Ident@Ip:0 $3 $+ 14 $+ @ $+ 0 $+ $4 var %clone = $kanalclone($2) if (%clone == $null) echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Clones:0 (No Clone) else echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Clone:0 ( $+ $numtok(%clone,44) $+ ) user 04/0 %clone haltdef } raw 317:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Connect Time:0 $asctime($4,dddd dd04/00mm04/00yyyy HH04:00nn04:00ss) 04/0 $duration($calc($ctime - $4)) echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Idle:0 $duration($3) } raw 319:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Channels:0 $3- echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Com Channels:0 $ortak_k($2) 04/0 Total:04 $comchan($2,0) 0Chan(s) } raw 338:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Real Ip:0 $4 $5 $6 } raw 320:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Swhois:0 $2- } raw 307:*: { haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 11[14Registrato11]0 Si } raw 330:*: echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14NickServ:0 $2 $4 $5 $6 $7 $3 | halt raw 378:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Real Ip:0 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 } raw 379:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Modes:0 $6 } raw 671:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Connection:0 $3- } raw 276:*:{ haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Client :0 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 } raw 327:* { echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Client Info:0 Java User halt } raw 301:*: { haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Away:0 ( $+ $3- $+ ) } raw 310:*: { haltdef echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Ircop:0 $3 $4 $5 $6 } raw 335:*: { echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14Bot:0 Yes (+B). halt } alias kanalclone { if ($ial($address($1,2),0) == 1) return var %nickler = 0 | var %clone = $1 while (%nickler < $ial($address($1,2),0)) { inc %nickler | var %clone = $addtok(%clone,$ial($address($1,2),%nickler).nick, 44) } return %clone } alias ortak_k { if ($server == $null) { echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14No such server. } elseif ($chan($me) == 0) { echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14No such channel. } elseif (!$1) { echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14No such nick. } elseif ($comchan($1,0) == 0) { echo -a $timestamp 14|---› 14No such nick/channel. } else { var %oid 1 set %orka $comchan($1,0) unset %knms while (%oid <= %orka) { set %knms $comchan($1,%oid) $+ $chr(32) $+ %knms inc %oid } return %knms } }
However I noticed a small problem that I can't solve: when I run a whois, I get the complete whois result in the active window, except for two entries.
In the status window these two pieces of information appear:
Nick * * is connected via the webircgateway WebIRC gateway
Nick DE set by is connecting from Germany
How can I make these two entries appear in the active window, like all the other whois entries, instead of in the status...?