This is just a simple modified version of whois code.
raw 301:*: { haltdef echo -a 4» Away: Yes: ( $+ $3- $+ ) } raw 307:*: { haltdef echo -a 4» Registered Nickname: Yes. } raw 310:*: { haltdef echo -a 4» IRC Operator: Yes. } raw 311:*:{ haltdef window -k0 @Whois 0 0 450 160 arial 14 aline -n @Whois Nick: 4 $2 aline -n @Whois Host: 1 $3 $+ @ $+ $4 echo -a 15-----14<15whois14>15---------------------------- echo -a 4» Nick: $2 echo -a 4» Name: $6- echo -a 4» Hostmask: 12(12 $+ $3 $+ 4@13 $+ $4 $+ 12) } raw 312:*:{ haltdef echo -a 4» Server: $3 } raw 313:*: { haltdef echo -a 4» Network Functions: $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 } raw 314:*:{ haltdef echo -a 15·14whowas· echo -a 4» Nick: $2 echo -a 4» Name: $6- echo -a 4» Hostmask: 12 $3 $+ 4@412 $+ $4 } raw 317:*:{ haltdef echo -a 4» Signed on at: $asctime($4,dddd dd/mm/yyyy HH:nn:ss) echo -a 4» Time idle: $duration($3) echo -a 4» Time online: $duration($calc($ctime - $4)) } raw 318:*:{ if ($ial($address($2,2),0) > 1) echo -a 12 $+ $2 4is a clone, the nicks 12(7 $+ $gettok($ial($address($2,2),1),1,33) $+ 14· $+ $gettok($ial($address($2,2),2),1,33) $+ 12· $+ $gettok($ial($address($2,2),3),1,33) $+ 10· $+ $gettok($ial($address($2,2),4),1,33) $+ 3· $+ $gettok($ial($address($2,2),5),1,33) $+ $+ 12) | halt } raw 319:* { %whochans = $3- %whochans = $replace(%whochans,@,4@) %whochans = $replace(%whochans,+,7+) echo -a 4» Channels: %whochans $+ echo -a 4» Common Channels: $+ $chr(32) $+ $comchan($2,0) $+ $chr(32) : $wcomchans($2) unset %whochans halt } alias wcomchans { var %nick = $1 | %wc = $comchan(%nick,0) | while (%wc > 0) { var %comc = $addtok(%comc,$comchan(%nick,%wc),32) | dec %wc } | return $iif(%comc,%comc,None) } echo -a 15·EnD Of Whois· } raw 319:*:{ haltdef echo -a 4» Channels: $3- 4Total: $+ $chr(32) $+ $totalchan($2,0) $+ $chr(32) Channel(s) } raw 330:*: { haltdef echo -a 4» Authname: $3 } raw 338:*:{ haltdef echo -a 4» Real Hostmask: $3 echo -a 4» Real IP: $4 } raw 369:*:{ haltdef echo -a 15-----14<15/whowas14>15--------------------------- } raw 401:*:{ haltdef echo -a 4» The nickname " $+ $2 $+ " is 4NOT 1online! } raw 406:*:{ haltdef echo -a 4» The nickname " $+ $2 $+ " has 4NOT 1been online recently. } Alias _comchans { var %Nick = $1, %ccn = $comchan(%Nick,0) while (%ccn > 0) { var %comchan = $addtok(%comchan,$+($left($remove($nick($comchan(%Nick,%ccn), %Nick).pnick, %Nick),1),$comchan(%Nick,%ccn)),32) dec %ccn } return $iif(%comchan,%comchan,None) }
I have sort of modified the existing code so it would highlight me with the nickname and host/ip into a separate @whois event window. It helps me into quick whois-ing a nick and storing their nickname and ip/host into a window which i can look at later and determine if i should add this nickname and host/ip into my blacklist.
Further modifications and alterations of this code is okie. any suggestions, you are welcome.