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Emoticons in chat

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Hello Epic,

Is there a way to enable emoticons in chat? maybe some sorta code or something?

example :-

normal statement :- [13:21] <Budget> 15% cap on equity tax..does that mean ltcg will be taxed at 15%?

emoticon enabled statement :- [13:21] <Budget> 15% cap on equity tax  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/icq/nea.gif  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/icq/shok.gif does that mean ltcg will be taxed at 15%?  http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/icq/ireful.gif

Maybe if we could code something like this :-

old code :-

on *:input:#:{
  if ($istok(lol|wb|lmao|wtf|omg|stfu|brb|bk|lmfao|hb|cya|bbl|rofl|haha|bye|tc,$1,124)) {
    msg # $replace($1,lol,Lαùᵍℍ 𝕆𝔲𝓣 l𝓞U๔,lmao,𝓵𝔸𝐔𝐠Ħ му 𝐚𝕤s 𝕠ᶠⒻ,wtf,ω卄𝓪т Ŧʰᵉ E𝐅𝐅..!,wb,Ŵ𝐞լ⸦𝝄ጦ𝐞 Ϧᥲ⸦Ќ,omg,ᵒυ𝔀 ᵐ𝓞Į gώ𝔞ⓓ..!,stfu,𝔰𝓱𝕦𝐤 ţђ𝐄 ƑỮт ùק,brb,▀▄▀▄▀▄ в𝕖 𝐑ᶤg𝐡𝓽 𝔹𝐚C𝓴 ▄▀▄▀▄▀,bk,░▒▓█ 𝕀'м 𝓫ΔⒸҜ..! █▓▒░,lmfao,Łά𝐔ᎶĤ мƳ ᖴ𝐋𝕠℃кᶤ𝓷g ᗩ𝓼𝔰 ⓞ𝕗𝔣,hb,ħ𝓊Ř𝓻𝐘 ⓑ𝓪𝓬Ҝ ,cya,𝓈𝓔ε Ў𝓸Ữ α𝕃ˡ,bbl,ßê ßå¢k lå†êr,rofl,ŕ𝓞Ļᒪ𝔦𝓝Ğ ό𝔫 𝓉ⓗ𝒆 ғŁ𝕠𝓞ℝ lⓐ𝕦𝔾𝒽𝔦ᶰ𝓰,haha,ʰᵃħα𝕙𝐀ℍ𝔞hάђ𝐚ℍ𝓪н𝐀Ĥ,bye,вᑌʰ-𝒷ч€..!,tc,ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 𝓉𝔸ᛕ𝑒 ¢Δℝⓔ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ) | haltdef

with the same logic if we could insert emoticons while chatting, that would be wonderful!

a separate window or a small dialogue enlisting all the emoticons which will float on mirc window will help in choosing right emoticon while chatting. please give a thought to this concept.

ps. i have already discarded this code and dont use to it anymore.. just wanted to show you the logic behind it, hence posted.

any further suggestions are welcome.

Thanks & Regards,



Hey Epic,

Thank you for the below code by correspondence in IRC:


# Script to display emoticons

on *:INPUT:#:{
  if ($count($strip($1-),*smile*,*sad*,*weteyes*,*showtongue*,*talli*,*rolleyes*,*cool*,*angry*,*thumps*,*slam*,*laugh*)) {
    msg $chan $smiles($1-) | halt
alias -l smiles {
  var %res $1-
  if (*smile* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,🙂)
  if (*sad* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,😕)
  if (*weteyes* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,🥺)
  if (*showtongue* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,😜)
  if (*talli* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,🤪)
  if (*rolleyes* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,🙄)
  if (*cool* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,😎)
  if (*angry* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,😡)
  if (*thumps* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,👍)
  if (*slam* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,🤦) 
  if (*laugh* isin %res) %res = $replace(%res,$v1,😂) 
  return %res 

Thanks you again!
